What you need:
-1 log
-5 or 6 pieces of small wood.
-a lighter or a match
Time: 5 minutes - 1 hour depending on if you have any hot coals or not in the bottom of your stove.
I usually put a small log in the stove first. Second, I take my small pieces of wood and place them against the log in a "tee-pee" shape. I light a few pieces of the small wood with a lighter. Next you have to blow on the flame to make it get bigger. This can take time..usually it takes me an hour to get the fire going good. After theres a pretty good flame going, collect a few more pieces of some small wood and add it to the "tee-pee". You may have to continue to blow on it for a little. As the flame gets bigger, you can place bigger chunks of wood on the flames. The fire should be going good enough to put several logs on the fire.
& there ya go girls..get out the marshmallows and chocolate its time for smores!!!! :)
This really is a good thing I have learned. We can set our house on 68 degrees and I can have it up to 75 degrees easy with the fire stove. The hardest part is the patience to build it and to clean up the mess! (WARNNG: Your dusting and cleaning in the room the stove is in will triple.-but just try to remember your saving money and your husband is happy!!)
Tips on what NOT to do:
From experience...
-newspaper looks like a good way to start a fire. It is definitely the easy route..AND unfortunately your fire probably won't last. One time I used all the newspaper I could find in our house. I had flames..but as soon as it burnt the paper it would go out and leave TONS of ashes.
-Don' wait every 8 hours to check the wood in the fire to make sure it's still burning. You will end up having a fire that goes out. Check it at least every 2-3 hours.
my brother came out and he helped Jared put our stove in
getting it going!
loading it up..
the mess it makes. i was going to crop the mess out of this photo but decided i needed to be honest with ya and let ya know really how much of a mess it does make.
i let the fire go out..
This explanation is definitely for dummies. I'm sure a professional fire-maker could use newspaper and start a fire. But I haven't learned the technique.
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